I’m so excited to share it with you...
Here are 5 essential questions you should absolutely be prepared for in an interview (and how you might want to answer them).
It’s true! The French are, by my estimation, the best teachers I’ve ever come across.
There are days in this
How developing relationships with students (especially challenging ones) can start through word of mouth.
Teaching is an extremely demanding career. The question we need to ask ourselves is: what am I doing for myself and my mental well-being?
How can you better serve your students? Become the least important person in your class.
It’s really easy to confuse your “what” for your “why.” As educators, that’s the trap we need to avoid.
Allow me to offer up a theory on late work that you may or may not agree with...
Giving a zero out of 100% is tantamount to dropping a nuclear bomb on a student's grade.
I’m not gonna lie…this week has been a rough week.I’m going to take this long weekend to pause, breathe, and recover mentally and spiritually
The way in which we assess our students can have a significant and detrimental impact on both our student success rates and on our students’ mindsets about what it means to be a learner
This week’s post is the first of a 5-part series I’m writing on
As the semester winds down, I wanted to take a moment with you to reflect on some of the best/most positive things that I have experienced as an educator so far this year. Think of this post as a New Year’s retrospective for educators and, possibly, severe procrastinators.